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A New Media Market Makes Playboy Drop The Nudes | TechCrunch Oct 13, 2015 ... ... media report the venerable Playboy magazine will soon go nude-free. ... Online. And the big two – Google and Apple – don't like nudity. Hugh Hefner's Playboy Reinforced The Idea That Great Literature Is A ... Sep 29, 2017 ... For decades, Hugh Hefner's Playboy was the magazine men could .... and solid brand that could eventually survive a rush of free online nudes. Old Issues of Playboy and Rolling Stone Will Be Available on DVDs ... Aug 6, 2007 ... The DVD sets will go on presale online on Sept. ... Playboy was a pioneer in the magazine industry when it started its Web site in 1994 and ... Playboy is considering ending its print magazine, report says - Los ...